MAJESTIC BAY is a Seafood Restaurant
and its located at
and its located at
Flower Dome, Gardens By The Bay
18 Marina Gardens Drive #01-09
Singapore 018953
18 Marina Gardens Drive #01-09
Singapore 018953
For Reservations
Tel: 6604 6604
川辣饺子 Spicy, minced pork dumpling
辣椒蟹生煎包 Seared, chili crab meat bun
I love soup and this is awesome!
The ingredients of the Old Cucumber with Pork Ribs Soup, 瓦煲老火汤
清蒸东星斑 Steamed, live leopard garoupa, Light soya sauce
极品酱萝卜糕Wok-fried, raddish cake, XO chili sauce
冠华咖啡焗肉蟹 Live crabs, Bay’s signature “Kopi” sauce
with fire burning it at the start.. and the waitress stirred a bit before its ready for our hands! Lol~!
海鲜大烩焗饭 Baked rice, assorted seafood, chef’s recipe sauce
甜 品诱惑 Sweet’s temptation – this includes the Glutinous Rice Dumpling with Yam Paste Stuffing, Shredded Coconut; Glutinous Rice Dumpling with Fresh Cream Stuffing; Steamed Custard Bun, Salted Egg Yolk; Bay’s Chinese Pancake, Red Bean Paste
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